
Editable text

What is Editable Text?

Editable text allows users to create and manipulate text within their applications. With this component, users can easily input and edit text directly on the interface, making it ideal for creating dynamic and interactive content.


Default valueThe initial value of the component. You can dynamically change the initial value by typing JavaScript in {{}}.
PlaceholderThe value will be shown when the input field is empty.
LabelThe name of the field displayed to the user
CaptionA caption used to describe the field in detail
Hidden labelSet whether to display the label
PositionSet the position of the label relative to the component
AlignmentSet the alignment (align to left or right) of the label
WidthWhen the label is on the left side of the component, set the width ratio of the label.
Event HandlerTrigger queries, control components, or call other APIs in response to component events.
DisabledControl the status of whether the component is disabled. The component cannot be modified or focused when it is disabled.
Read OnlyControl the status of whether the component is read-only. A read-only component can be selected and focused but cannot be modified.
Show clear buttoncontrol whether or not a clear button is displayed in the input field
Show character countcontrol whether or not the character count of the input is displayed
Prefix texta short piece of text that appears to the left of the input field, often used to provide additional context or instructions to the user
Suffix texta short piece of text that appears to the right of the input field, often used to provide additional information or feedback to the user
TooltipUsers can enter the component tooltip here. The tooltip will be shown when it is focused. Markdown format is supported.
Required fieldValid only when the switch is on.
Patternspecify a pattern that the input value must match
Max lengthset the maximum number of characters that can be entered into the input field.
Min Lengthspecify the minimum number of characters that the user must enter into the input field in order for the input to be considered valid.
Custom ruleCreate your validation logic here. The rules should be made in JavaScript and covered by {{}}.
Hide validation messageYou can hide the error message by switching the hidden status when the input value is incorrect. You can dynamically change the hidden status by JavaScript.
HiddenDynamically control whether the component is hidden. You can change the hidden status through dynamical boolean value.
Theme ColorAllows users to specify the button's background color and opacity


You can use other components to control the component. We support the following five methods:

  • setValue

To set the text area input value, for example, {{"value1"}}

ValueInput value
  • clearValue

To clear the value of the selected component

  • focus

When the focus method is called, the text area input field will be highlighted and ready for the user to start typing without the need for the user to click on the number input field

  • validate

To verify that the input information is legal

  • clearValidate

To clear the validation message

Event handler

ChangeWhen a user changes the input value
FocusWhen a user moves the mouse cursor on the input component
BlurWhen a user is done inputting value and quit focusing on component


The component has some commonly used data, which can be called via {{componentName.propertyName}} in the app.

Property nameDescription
valueuser input value
colorSchemebackground color of the button
customRuleuser-defined rule or validation logic that can be applied to the number input component
disableda Boolean value indicate the disabled status
displayNamethe name of this component (ie button1)
eventsgenerated or triggered when certain actions or events occur
hiddenhidden status (true or false)
labellabel value
labelAlignalignment of input label (left or right)
labelPositionposition of input label (left or right)
labelWidththe integer representing width of label.
maxLengththe value of maximum length
minLengththe value of minimum length
placeholderplaceholder value
prefixTextvalue of the text prefix
suffixTextvalue of the text suffix
readOnlya Boolean value indicate the readyOnly status of input.
requireda Boolean value indicate the required status of input.
regexapply pattern-based validation to the input text in the text area
showCharacterCounta Boolean value indicate whether the character count of input is displayed
tooltipTextvalue of tooltip text

Example: {{editable_text1.value}}

Use case

Next, we will demonstrate how to map the data from the data source to the editable text with a button.

Step 1 Add an action

Let us create a table in REST API with columns id, name, and age. The id 1 document is what we want to show in the form component.


Then we can create a new action for REST API from the action list in the app we want to build, listing all the data in the bucket and named restapi1.

Select GET for **Action Type**. In URL Parameters, put id for key and 1 for value.

Click Save and Run to activate this action.


Step 2 Add Components

Next, we can add an editable text component and a button component to the canvas.

We label editable text to be 'Name' and labeled the button as "Set value" as shown below


Step 3 Configure the component

For the button component, we can configure it to set the value in editable text component to the data of the document we read from restapi.

  1. In the Edit event handler, select Control component in action, and select the editable text component that you want to update as the target of the event.
  2. Choose the setValue action and set the value as {{restapi1.data[0]["name"]}}


Step 4 Test

Now that when you click the "Set value" button, the value should change to the text.
