

What is Cascader?

A cascader is a type of input component that allows users to select hierarchical data, such as a category or subcategory from a dropdown menu. When a user selects an option from the dropdown menu, the cascader will automatically update to show the relevant subcategories or options in a nested dropdown menu.

For example, if you have a cascader input component for selecting a product category, the first dropdown menu may show all the available categories, such as "Electronics," "Clothing," and "Books." When a user selects "Electronics," the cascader will update to show the subcategories of electronics, such as "Phones," "Laptops," and "Tablets." This allows users to quickly and easily navigate through hierarchical data and select the option they need.


Cascader's available properties. JavaScript may be written to read or alter information about components.

Data SourceEach option must be JSON format and contain two keys, value and label. By using arrays, you can create options at the same level. And child options can be created by using "children" attribute.
Default valueThe initial value of the component. You can dynamically change the initial value by typing JavaScript in {{}}.
PlaceholderThe value will be shown when the input field is empty.
LabelThe name of the field displayed to the user
CaptionA caption used to describe the field in detail
Hidden labelSet whether to display the label
PositionSet the position of the label relative to the component
AlignmentSet the alignment (align to left or right) of the label
WidthWhen the label is on the left side of the component, set the width ratio of the label.
Event HandlerTrigger queries, control components, or call other APIs in response to component events.
DisabledControl the status of whether the component is disabled. The component cannot be modified or focused when it is disabled.
Read OnlyControl the status of whether the component is read-only. A read-only component can be selected and focused but cannot be modified.
Show clear buttoncontrol whether or not a clear button is displayed in the input field
Expansion methodSet how cascader expands (by clicking or hovering)
TooltipUsers can enter the component tooltip here. The tooltip will be shown when it is focused. Markdown format is supported.
HiddenDynamically control whether the component is hidden. You can change the hidden status through dynamical boolean value.


You can use other components to control the component. We support the following two methods:

  • setValue

To set the selected option, for example, {{”value1”}}

ValueInput value
  • clearValue

To clear the value of the selected component

Example Usage:

Cascader component support listening to the onChange event of other components using built-in event system. Set it up by following these example steps:

  1. Add an event trigger to the component that you want to listen to. For example, if you want to listen to the onChange event of a Radio Group component, you would add an event trigger to that Radio Group component.
  2. In the Edit event handler, select Control component in action, select the Cascader component that you want to update as the target of the event.
  3. Choose the SetValue action and select the appropriate value for the Cascader component. This will be the value that the Cascader component have and will update when the event is triggered.
  4. Save the event trigger settings and repeat the process for any other components that you want to listen to.

Once you've set up the event triggers, the Cascader input component will automatically update whenever the onChange event is triggered on the other components. This allows you to create dynamic interfaces that respond to user input in real-time, making it easier for users to navigate and interact with your application.

Event handler

ChangeWhen a user changes the selected option value
FocusWhen a user moves the mouse cursor on the cascader component
BlurWhen a user is done selecting options and quit from focusing on the cascader component


The component has some commonly used data, which can be called via {{componentName.propertyName}} in the app.

Property nameDescription
dataSourceModethe mode of the data source in cascader (default dynamic)
displayNamethe name of this component (ie cascader1)
expandTriggertrigger events (click)
valueSelected value
labellabel value
labelAlignalignment of cascader label (left or right)
labelPositionposition of cascader label (left or right)
labelWidththe integer representing width of label
placeholderplaceholder value

Example: {{cascader1.value[0]}

Use case

Next, we will demonstrate how to map the data from the data source to options in cascader dynamically.

Step 1 Add an action

Let us create a table in Supabase called project, as well as a subtable called therapist which are aligned by project_id.

Then we can create a new action for Supabase from the action list, listing all data in project and named supabasedb1

SELECT [project.id](http://project.id/) as project_id, [therapist.name](http://therapist.name/) as therapist_name from therapist join project on therapist.project_id = [project.id](http://project.id/)

Step 2 Transform the data

Next, we can enable the transformer section under the Select Section. Within the text area, we can capture only the values and labels we need from the data and transform them into cascader-friendly options using JavaScript.

const transformedArray = data.reduce((acc, current) => {
const existing = acc.find((item) => item.value === current.project_id);
if (existing) {
const therapist = { value: current.therapist_id, label: current.therapist_name };
} else {
const project = { value: current.project_id, label: current.project_name, children: [] };
const therapist = { value: current.therapist_id, label: current.therapist_name };
return acc;
}, []);

return transformedArray;

The final action should be displayed the same as

cascader 1

Click Save and Run to activate this action.

Step 3 Configure the component

After dragging a cascader component to the canvas, we can single click to configure its data source to {{supabasedb1.data}}

Optional: Here we set a default value of {{['a', '1']}} for corresponding {{['Psychotherapy'], ['James']}} labels.

cascader 2