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Custom domain

Please access this feature through ILLA Cloud > Settings > Branding

Configure Cloudflare proxy​


The image above is a page from Cloudflare. The configuration instructions are as follows.

TypeChoose CNAME.
NameThe prefix of your domain name. For example, if the domain you configured in ILLA Cloud is, the name field is illa
TargetThe CNAME displayed on the domain configuration page of ILLA Cloud may be ""
Proxy statusTurn it on

Please note that if your domain name was not purchased through Cloudflare, you can migrate the NS (Name Server) records to Cloudflare and then proceed with the above configuration.

Customize domain in ILLA Cloud​

In addition to setting up the domain name, you can also customize the Favicon and Title. However, please note that if you haven't set up a domain name or are not accessing the website through your own domain, the Favicon and Title customization may not take effect.

FaviconAppears next to the title in your browser tab. Recommended size is 3232, 5757, 7272, 114114, 144*144
TitleLimited to 60 characters or less.
Custom domainA fully qualified domain name, such as